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Contact Edges
Optical Sensor (OSE)
- Infared-Sensors for Optical Sensing Edges
- Resistant Against Ambient Light
- Easy Installation
- High Safety
- High Environmental Stability
Pneumatic Sensor (DW)
- Pneumatic Sensing Devices
- Pressure Waves Generates Signal
- Easy Installation
- High Flexibility
- Low Actuating Forces
Rubber Profiles (OSE-P)
- Safety Edge in Combination with OSE Sensors
- Sold per Piece or on Roll
- Resistant to Incisions and Abrasions
- High Quality EPDM Rubber
- Available for Sectional and Rolling Doors
Bumpers (OSE-B)
- Simple to Attach
- Available for Rolling or Sectional Doors
- Modular Bumper for Custom Thickness / Height
Aluminum Profiles (ALU)
- For Attaching the Sensing Edge
- Various Sizes Available for Different Door Widths